All students will register for and complete the following 3-credit course. The Service Learning component of this particular experience will focus in-depth on the specific economic and health issues faced by Nepali women. Students will prepare before the trip with readings and discussions about economic development, reproductive and other female health issues, as well as service learning concepts.
INTD 300: Service Learning (3) [ES]
Service Learning offers a structured opportunity to engage in direct
experience that links theory and practice. Through organized
involvement in community service, students will integrate learning
and self-reflection, with the goal of building the values of
reciprocity, stewardship, and civic responsibility.
Students will also register and complete one of the following courses. Overlapping course content for both courses will include pre-trip readings and discussions about Nepalese culture and religion (both Hindu and Buddhist), basic skills for identifying elements of Nepalese art and architecture, the business and economic environments in Nepal, and geographical orientation. Separate readings and coursework, noted below, will be also be required depending on which course a student has chosen.
INTL 380: International Travel Abroad (1-3) [AS]
Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor. This course includes a trip
abroad to study the economic, political, cultural, environmental, and
demographic impact of a particular region to modern day society.
Additional readings and coursework about the political, economic, and business environment will be included for students registered in this course.
ARTH 450: Art History Travel (3) [OC]
This course is specifically geared to studying art on site. The class
views major art monuments that may include ancient ruins,
cathedrals, palaces, castles, artist’s homes and places of
architectural importance. Visits to art museums will also be
Additional readings and coursework about Buddhist and Hindu religious practice, iconography, and cultural presentation will be included for students registered in this course.